Aston Villa Songs Greatest Hits – Vol.3 Favourite Aston Villa Player Songs
Volume Three of Aston Villa Songs Greatest Hits takes in the fastest growing and ever evolving section of the songbook, Aston Villa player songs. Be it in glory, irony, cult status or just pure love, below are songs for players old and new.
From legends to figures of fun. Feel free to add any missing Aston Villa player songs in the comments sections for adding later. Maybe we can pick a match one day were we can give a few old classics an airing?
Aston Villa Player Songs
Paul McGrath
[To Manchester United fan at Villa Park ‘ 89 – tune of the advert for Roses chocolates]
Thank you very much for Paul McGrath,thank you very much thank you very very very much
Ooo ahhh Paul McGrath, I said Oooo ahhhh Paul McGrath…
Paul McGrath my lord, Paul McGrath,
Paul McGrath my lord, Paul McGrath,
Paul McGrath my lord, Paul McGrath,
Oh Lord Paul McGrath…
On the p**s my lord, on the p**s ,
On the p**s my lord, on the p**s ,
On the p**s my lord, on the p**s ,
Oh Lord on the p**s ,…
It’s your round my lord, it’s your round,
It’s your round my lord, it’s your round,
It’s your round my lord, it’s your round,
Oh Lord it’s your round…
“Yes, we have a friend in Jesus. Yes we have a friend in God. Yes we have a friend in Jesus. And his name is Paul McGrath”
Gary Shaw
Gary Shaw, Gary Shaw, once he scores one he’ll score more!
Gary Shaw, Gary Shaw, Gary Gary Shaw, when he’s on the ball he’s sure to score, Gary, Gary Shaw!!
Gordon Cowans
Sid, Sid, Sid!
Ian Ormondroyd
Sticks, Sticks, Sticks!

Peter Withe
Hark now hear the Holte End sing a new kings born today,
his name is Peter Withe and he’s better than Andy Gray!
Sammy Morgan
Six foot two, eyes of blue, Sammy Morgan’s after you, la la la la, la la la, la laaaaar.
Gabby Agbonlahor
Gabby, Gabby, Gabby, Gabby, Gabby Agbonlahoooor
He’s fast as f**k. He’s fast as fuuuuuu**k.
Class of 81/82
Sung to “12 days of Christmas”…..
Six Dennis Mortimers
Fiiiiive Ken McNaughtttttttt,
Four Allan Evans,
Three Colin Gibson,
Two Kenny Swain,
and a Jimmy Rimmer as our goalieeee!
(Also there is a Paul McGrath version)
Best team in the land
We’ve got the best team in the land
We’ve got the best team in the land
We’ve got the best team in the land
We’ve got the best team in the land
We’ve got Jimmy Rimmer number 1
We’ve got Jimmy Rimmer number 1
We’ve got Jimmy Rimmer number 1
We’ve got the best team in the land
[repeat for:]
Kenny Swain number 2
Colin Gibson number 3
Alan Evans number 4
Ken McNaught number 5
Dennis Mortimer number 6
Des Bremner number 7
Gary Shaw number 8
Peter Withe number 9
Gordon Cowans number 10
Tony Morley number 11)
The decent team under Graham Taylor
Nigel Spink throws the ball to Platty, Platty on to Paul McGrath who flicks it through for Daley, Tony Daley down the wing like a torpedooo, crosses the ball up in the air, for Tony Cascarino!
Andy Gray
Oh Andy, oh Andy, your the greatest the Holte End say, Oh Andy, oh Andy, we’ll be with you all the way…
He’s here, he’s there, he’s every f**kin where, Andy gray, Andy Gray…
Peter Withe
Hark now hear the holte end sing a new kings born today his name is Peter Withe and he’s better than Andy gray
When Big Ron took most of Liverpool’s decent players
[Sung at home to Liverpool -to the tune of the Rosies ad]
Thank you very much for Stevie Staunton, thank you very very very much. Thank you very much for Ray Houghton, thank you very very very much. Thank you very much for Deano Saunders…. Home to Liverpool
Dean Saunders
DEANO Deeeeano, Deano scores and he wants some more,
Not one, not two, not three ,not four,
Deano scores and he wants some more!
Brian Little
Brian Little walks on water, la la la la la la la la la

Tony Morley
We’ve got Tony Tony Morley on the wing one the wing
We’ve got Tony Tony Morley on the wing one the wing
Tony, Tony Morley, Tony Morley on the wing
Tony, Tony Morley, Tony Morley on the wing.
Dwight Yorke
Start spreading the news, he’s playing today, he’s gonna score a goal again, Dwight Yorke, Dwight Yorke,
If he can, score from there, he’ll score from, anywhere,
It’s up to you, Dwight Yorke, Dwight Yorkeeeeeee. du du du-du…[repeat]
Savo Milosevic
Boom, boom, boom, let me hear you say Savo, Savoooooooooooooo.
Christian Benteke
Ohhhhhhhh Christian Benteke, Ohhhhhhh Christian Benteke [to tune of White Stripes Seven Nation Army]
Gavin McCann
He tackles and he passes, he hussles and harrasses, he gets up peoples asses, hes better than Zidane. Gavin McCann (clap,clap), Gavin McCann….
Tommy Johnson
Super, Super, Tom.. super, super Tom, super, super Tom, super Tommy Johnson.
Steve Stone
Stevie, Stevie Stone he’s got no hair but we don’t care, Stevie, Stevie Stone
David Unsworth
Does your wife know you’re here, does your wife, does your wife, does your wife know you’re here? (After signing for Villa, he didn’t wanna stay due to his wife, so we sold him on within a week)
Tony Cascarino
Tony, Cascarino, Cascarino in the air!!
Earl Barrett
Five foot eight, not much weight, Earl Barrett is f**king great
Andreas Weimann
‘Du du du-du du-du, du du du-du du-du, du du du-du du-du ANDI WEIMANN’
Trevor Francis (Blues)
Oh oh Fraaaan-cis… Fraaan-cis… I’d walk a mile & a bit to rub your face in the s**t, o oh Fraaan -cis
Bosko Balaban
Boško, Balaban… Boško, Boško, Balaban…
Moustapha Salifou
[currently playing in Germany’s third division]
Sali Salifoooooo, bullet bulletprooooooooooof
John Carew
John Carew, Carew…he’s bigger than me and you, he’s gonna to score one or two…
Andy Lochhead
Andy, Andy Lochhead, Andy Lochhead in the air,
Bruce Rioch
(Bruce) Rioch, Rioch,Rioch,Rioch born is the king of VILLA PARK.!
Chris Price
His got no hair but we don’t care Chris Price
Juan Pablo Angel
Super..super Pab…super Pablo Angel!
Juan Pablo Angel tonight. Ooooh ahhhh ahhhhhhh.
Stan Collymore
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Stany, Stany… Stany, Stany, Stany Collymoreeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Neil Cox
Neil Cox, Coxy curly perm, Coxy Coxy curly perm
Martin Laursen
Who’s that coming out of defence
It’s Martin Laursen, it’s Martin Laursen!
Jack Grealish
Super, super Jack
Super, super Jack
Super, super Jack
Super Jacky Grealish
Alan Wright
Olayyyyyy, olayyyy, olay, olayyyyyy, Alan Wright, Wright, Wright.
Ashley Young
Whos’ that flying down the left and the right?
Is it Shaun Wright-Phillips? No, he’s f**king sh**e!
Is it Aaron f**king Lennon? Someone better tell em, should them,
its Ashley Young! He’s f**king dynamite!
Sing ai, ai, Ashley, Ashley Young
Sing ai, ai, Ashley, Ashley Young
Sing ai, ai, Ashley,
Ai, ai, Ashley,
Ai ai, Ashley, Ashley Young
Eric Djemba-Djemba
Djemba. Djemba-Djemba, Eric Djemba-Djemba.
Zat Knight is a Villa fan
Zat Knight is a Villa fan,
Zat Knight is a Villa fan,
Zat Knight is a Villa fan,
Zat Knight is a Villa fan…

Carlos Cuellar
Oh Carlos Cuellar you are the love of my life,
oh Carlos Cuellar I’d let you shag my wife.
Oh Carlos Cuellar I want curly hair toooooo
Shaun Teale
He’s here, he’s there, he’s every-f**king-where Shaun Teale, Shaun Teale
Mark Bosnich
‘Bozzie is a porn star, Bozzie is a porn star a la la la’
“You put your right glove on, your left glove on, you play for Aston Villa and you’re number one. You do the Aussie Bozzie and you turn around, that’s what it’s all about”
Barry Bannan
10 pints of beer sitting on a bar, 10 pints of beer sitting on a bar, and if Barry Bannon decides to drive a car. There be nine pints of beer sitting on a bar……………
Special thanks to Gary Lennon, Larry Byrne and Gaz Wedge, and thanks to everyone else who offered up suggestions.
Feel free to add more player songs in the comments below and I’ll update this post accordingly. UTV
The MOMS Villa Songbook Collection
Click the following links for more Aston Villa songs:
Volume 4: The Brigada 1874 Mix
Chim chimney chim chimney, chim chim, cheroo, we are the bastards in claret and blue….
Andi Weimann;
“When I see you Weimann I go out of my head, I just can’t get enough, I just can’t get enough.
All the goals you get for me and all the assists you get, I just can’t get enough, I just can’t get enough.
You’ll score a goal as the Holte goes wild and I just can’t seem to get enough of der der der der der der der der der Andi Weimann!”
Very surprised to see this one not listed:
Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Agbonlahor
He’s fast as fuck. He’s fast as fuuuuuuuck.
Yep, an oversight! Added now.
He swerves to the left,
He swerves to the right,
He’s Barry Bannan,
His driving is shite
Sad to say I’m not a regular at all anymore but in the glory days of BFR, Brian Little & John Gregory I remember a few favourites:
Earl Barrett – “Five foot eight, not much weight, Earl Barrett is fucking great”
The legend that is Shaun Teale – “He’s here, he’s there, he’s every-fucking-where Shaun Teale, Shaun Teale”
Mark Bosnich – “You put your right glove on, your left glove on, you play for Aston Villa and you’re number one. You do the Aussie Bozzie and you turn around, that’s what it’s all about”
God – “Yes, we have a friend in Jesus. Yes we have a friend in God. Yes we have a friend in Jesus. And his name is Paul McGrath”
I’m sure I’ve missed out some good ones but these are a few I remember. I have some great and happy memories including being at Anfield the first time everyone did the ‘Paul McGrath M’Lord’ song with the praying arm actions. That was was back in the day – around ’93 I think! Happy days!!
VillaGirl75 Many thanks for those! Will add the ones that were missing. UTV
Great to see this collection MOMS!