In less than four weeks millions of football fans will head out to cast their vote in December’s General Election. Gladly, there is no Cambridge Analytica around this time around to harvest our Facebook data to bombard us with propaganda to influence our vote. No doubt, political parties have in-house departments to go down similiar paths, but while the focus will no doubt be on Brexit, party manifestos that contain their policies hopefully still do matter.
With that in mind the Football Supporters’ Association last week pulled together some core campaign ideas and asked all the major political parties whether they support The Fans’ Manifesto.
MOMS sits on the FSA National Council and has been privy to feedback from meetings between the FSA and various MPs of different parties, and there is certainly an interest in addressing supporter concerns across the party spectrum.
The FSA does not favour one political party over another and football fans come from all walks of society. That means supporters can have wildly different views but we do think every fan should be informed and we aim to help with that. It’s then up to each fan where they put their X.
Below is the FSA’s own fan manifesto…

The Fans’ Manifesto
Grassroots – Share the wealth
- At a time when there is more money in and around football than ever before we should be enjoying a golden age of grassroots football. No local club or school team should have to endure crumbling infrastructure or lack of funds to encourage participation and develop tomorrow’s star players. The FSA wants to see more of the wealth of football – and of those like agents and betting companies who live off it – used to support the base of the game.
Standing – Stand Up for Choice
- The existing legislation which aims to stop supporters standing at the game is deeply unpopular and should be scrapped. We believe there are different mixes of stewarding approaches and standing technologies which clubs can use to manage fans standing at football and it should be up to each club, in conjunction with its supporters and the local Safety Advisory Group, to develop appropriate stadium plans based on sound and rigorous risk assessment. The FSA believes clubs and fans should be empowered to work together to decide what mix of standing and seated areas is right for them.
Transport – Flexible football rail tickets
- Supporters travel the length and breadth of the country following their club, often at great expense, while working around last-minute changes to games due to TV demands or football schedule clashes. The introduction of an affordable and flexible rail ticket which is tied to a game, rather than a date, could reduce costs for fans and generate new revenue for train operators at times which are often outside peak hours. The Premier League and EFL support this concept: the FSA calls on government to make it happen.
Governance and regulation – Protect our pyramid and heritage
- Football is our biggest cultural expression of community identity and no other country exhibits such depth of support for clubs from the top to the bottom of the pyramid, yet this heritage can be at the mercy of unscrupulous and incompetent owners. The football authorities must be required to establish an independent process of regulation for professional clubs with a tougher Owners and Directors Test, increased financial transparency, and a requirement of owners to exercise proper stewardship over clubs, all in close co-operation with supporters’ organisations.
Equality – No to discrimination
- A commitment to diversity and inclusion underpins all of the FSA’s activity and we oppose all forms of discrimination or violence in relation to football. To this end, we call for a real engagement and investment in promoting inclusion and combatting discrimination in football. The Football (Offences) Act should be extended so that it is not limited to ‘racialist or indecent chanting’ but includes all protected characteristics from the Equality Act.
The FSA’s remit is very wide and The Fans’ Manifesto has a specific focus on areas which we believe will engage political parties. If you’d like to read more about all of our work check out our Annual Review.
Sorry I meant to say I was only able to get tickets for 8 away games so that’ means nothing. Be wonderful to get some comments from the club on the issues yur great site raises
Well I’m one of the many who was only able to get tickets for away games last year so now I’m same as the prawn sandwich brigade. So no expensive travel. As for home games like every evening match and Sunday game and now if yu don’t realise Saturday because of strikes, unless you leave 10 minutes before kick off like me if u don’t want to wait over an hour and miss other connections you walk to town. And I’m 70!! Saying there’s about 2 trains in an hour 6 destinations from the 2 stations max only 3 coaches of course, and 2 no 7s and a 3 from Aston Station about 1 in 15 of our supporters can use the public transport. Great for the environment eh. The club does nothing!! I don’t expect the bus or train companies to bother no o e checks tickets so little extra revenue. If we were a London ub we’d have a choice of several stations with 12 coach trains every few minutes. As for standing certain areas are standing now away fans etc why not design them as such and be safe. Does the club ever read any of this?
Stand up for choice ? Thought they were already doing that ! So annoying and selfish. Why hasn’t the standing ban been enforced? I am definitely in favour of re introducing standing areas as long as this means making people sit if they are in the seated areas.
Only one vote from me A NEW STRIKER