Brigaga 1874 and friends
As most Aston Villa supporters will be aware, there has been a concern recently about getting the atmosphere back at Villa Park. The last couple of seasons, there were various attempts, including the 12th Man Campaign and the ‘Bring a Scarf’ day. Most were met with supporter indifference. The question is though – why? If you’re going to fork out hard-earned cash to see the Villa, don’t you want the best possible match day experience possible?
This new season, the club seems to be sorting itself out, especially after the mess of last year. We have a new manager, who is shaping a new team, so isn’t it time for supporters to take a look at themselves too? To make sure they’re having the best match experience possible.
One thing I’ve never understood is when someone mentions ideas to get some atmosphere back into Villa Park, there’s always some cynical voices or moaners. Someone always has to find fault in something, without offering up their own suggestions.
For Example, the misinformation served up by some fans about the Brigada 1874 – Villa ultra group trying to get the atmosphere going in the Holte End. Some have labelled the Bridgada 1874 communists, while others have called them fascists. Make your mind up, it can’t be both! There is no political agenda beyond supporting Aston Villa football club, unless you count being Anti-fascist as one. Sometimes people’s negativity beggars belief.
When the chap behind ‘Get the Holte Back’ started getting ideas out about bringing a more vibrant atmosphere to the Holte next season, I noticed on one Villa forum someone moaning it was a MOMS initiative in order of self-promotion. Really? Aside from the fact, it was nothing to do with MOMS, the fact that was someone’s initial reaction, rather than supporting an initiative that is universally and mutually beneficial for all Villa fans, is kind of disappointing.
For the record, MOMS gets into newspapers etc when it needs to get awareness for Villa supporters issues and big up Villa fans. The world is a big place and it’s not going to hear you if you’re just sulking around in your Villa forum. You won’t find the people behind the site creating ‘public figure’ facebook pages like some other narcissistic Villa website owners.
Some cynics will say, ”If I pay my money, I can just watch the game in silence, if I want’. Indeed, but at the end of the day, I’m willing to bet that same person is the first to moan about the atmosphere at Villa Park.
A better atmosphere at Villa Park and in the Holte End is what every Villa fan wants – it’s a no-brainer, right?

A message from ‘Get the Holte End Back’
This is not another half-hearted plea to ‘bring atmosphere to B6’ or another group being formed, it’s just merely a heartfelt cry for the return of The Holte End, the Holte our fathers, grandfathers knew. Groups split people, divide fans, alienate themselves from certain sectors. This is just a simple request to bring scarfs, balloons, streamers, even toilet roll, anything that’s reminiscent of the old days when The Holte End was there, standing loud and proud across Europe. When travelling fans came to B6 they knew when they saw the magnificent sight of The Holte you were in for a battle.
Supporters, kids, families, mates everyone can play their part in making The Holte End great again! The Holte is about being at one, coming together as one force.
This is a simple, cheap way of uniting old with young, generations of Villa connecting with the new generations. The connection should never be lost stories of blokes turned upside down in the Holte forming V’s, the Holte end sway, Left side, Right side are stories I’ve grew up with and longed that I was there.
We don’t want to lose the true meaning of The Holte End Army!
There was a time when following The Villa home or away you’d have you bags of balloons, it was Villa’s trademark, a trend that many copied but none did it quiet like The Villa.
I believe strongly if a seed is planted we will see our Holte grow. This is about looking forward, but not forgetting our roots, simple aspects like balloons, banners, scarves will be reminiscent of days gone by, but not so we’re stuck in them. A modern day version, I don’t think there is one villa fan who wouldn’t want to see the Holte in all its glory again.
There will be not one Villa fan out there that doesn’t want a return of the colourful, vibrant, intimidating, FUN Holte!
The Holte End Should Be a State of Mind
As the guy behind Get the Holte End Back suggests, the idea of getting the atmosphere in the Holte isn’t about new groups or campaigns, it should be a state of mind, a general conscious of all Villa fans. If you had a choice – great atmosphere or poor one, which do you go for?
For example, do you like the fact that a bunch of Austrian’s can roll up twice at Villa Park and kick our asses in terms of support and then claim to be our ‘nightmare’?
Do you think those Rapid Vienna fans went back to Austria telling tales of the mighty Holte End’s roar? Or that we were a bunch of pussies that rolled over? If we ever play Rapid Vienna again, I would hope the Holte End through sheer volume and a few banners aimed Vienna’s way, would shove their ‘nightmare’ where the sun doesn’t shine… metaphorically speaking of course!
There’s also a short-sighted view that last season the atmosphere was crap due to the dour football being served up, and that the atmosphere will miraculously return because Villa will be playing champagne total football in the new season.
The current Villa team are a work-in-progress and Lambert is no magician. As supporters, we’re going to have to take the rough with the smooth, as he tries to find the blend and build a team. He needs our support. But, more than just a token gesture, if we can bring the kind of support that is reminiscent of the old days, not only will this help create a team who want to please its supporters, but it’ll also create a more fun and rewarding experience for all Villa supporters period.
Remember you’re not paying for an atmosphere – you are the atmosphere!

I wouldn’t say Villa fans are the archetypal prawn-sandwich eating mob. Our away fans are amongst the best, but I bet those regulars at away matches get a bit frustrated at times at the lack of passion and involvement in B6.
It’s not too hard. Witness the support for Team GB in the Olympics and how all the athletes said it inspired them to lift their games. The same can be achieved at Villa Park. If the support is relentless, the players won’t want to let us down.
If you have any other ideas to up the atmosphere at Villa Park, leave a comment below.
Let’s make some noise and put on a show of strength to all that visit the mecca of football that is Villa Park.
Follow MOMS on twitter: @oldmansaid
For more info on Brigada 1874 – see here
For more info on Get the Holte End Back – check their facebook page
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