Many thanks to Jamie Green for sending in his ‘different’ kind of examination of his support for Villa; as if that love was a proper ‘relationship’.
Having had a quick read of Jamie’s blog, it’s very apparent he has a sharp sense of humour when it comes to Villa. Born eight weeks early, due to ‘brain damage caused by oxygen to the brain’ the final year languages uni student has cerebral palsy. Although, as he jokes on his blog, it’s the least of his worries: “Some may argue this brain damage is the only way to explain my decision to support Aston Villa!”
On a more serious note, in case it is of use to any reader, Jamie has written a good article for the Guardian newspaper on choosing your university if you are a wheel-chair user. He even managers to squeeze another Villa gag in there – check it out here
Now, for that letter…
For the last few years, you’ve been flirting with the Championship as if they might be a more suitable long-term partner.
By Jamie Green
Dear Aston Villa,
We’ve been through a lot together but it’s just not working out. The last five years have been particularly tough and I’ve been hoping things would get better. You’ve been stringing me along with false promises of better things ahead, like that FA Cup final last year, only to let me down. I’ve made sacrifices to see you, even trying to keep in touch when I was deep In the Italian mountains. And what reward did I get? A brief flash of hope followed by the usual disappointment.
For the last few years, you’ve been flirting with the Championship as if they might be a more suitable long-term partner. After seeing how things have been going recently, I’m starting to think you might be right. Sometimes it takes some time apart to realise what you’ve been missing.
Every now again I fall into that trap of buying more merchandise, thinking that spending more money on you or buying a new shirt would somehow make things better. But I realise that this relationship has become one-sided as you’ve been so reluctant to splash out recently.
We’ve spent so many afternoons together. It used to be something I looked forward to but recently I’ve been finding excuses not to see you. People used to respect me for being so loyal to you but now they just feel sorry for me. I sometimes even deny any knowledge of what’s happened to you at the weekend as it’s better than admitting to the embarrassment you’ve caused.
After all that’s happened in the last few years, I think we need some time apart to reevaluate our relationship…
Follow Jamie on Twitter – @Jamie_Green94
Follow MOMS on Twitter – @oldmansaid