Fabrice Muamba Tribute: Villa vs Bolton Tuesday April 24th 7.45pm
‘Following on from a positive fan response, it is our intention to call for all Aston Villa fans to partake in an additional show of support on the 6th minute of this Tuesday’s game against Bolton.
Why the 6th minute?
The simple answer is that this is Fabrice Muamba’s squad number. Following on from Fabrice’s cardiac arrest in their FA Cup game against Spurs, a majority of clubs provided medical screening for their players. It is this screening that also helped provide Stiliyan Petrov’s diagnosis with Leukaemia. Petrov has publicly claimed Muama to be an inspiration in his fight against his illness.
As a show of both appreciation and support, we would like to ask that ALL Aston Villa fans and Bolton fans take part in both a 6th minute and 19th minute ovation during the game this Tuesday night.
The 6th minute will act as a show of thanks by Villa fans on behalf of Stan to Fabrice and also celebrate Fabrice’s fantastic recovery.
The clubs have been contacted regarding this, so that we can make this happen for all fans. Spread the word and share this status. Let’s show the class that bestows the fans of Aston Villa. ‘
A joint venture between the My Old Man Said and Proud to be a Villan supporter groups
Press Coverage

We need more fans like you mate! UTV. Spread the word on the extra 6th minute!
having clapped & cheered each time the match gets 2 the 19th minute I’ll certainly b doing exactly the same again 2nite in both the 6th & 19th minutes.As much as I love football it takes a back seat when sumat like this happens.GET WELL SOON STAN UTV & SAME 4 U FABRICE
I’ll gladly show my support 4 both lads.As much as I love football it takes a back seat when sumat happens such as thats happened 2 Stan & Fabrice & we shud ALL show r support & admiration 4 them both regardless of who they play 4. ALL THE BEST 2 STAN UTV & 2 FABRICE.GET WELL SOON U PAIR