Update: Thanks – 16 Dec 2012
The original post below was first used to help rally the support of Liverpool fans for the Petrov applause tribute at the 2010/11 fixture between Aston Villa and Liverpool at Anfield (it was sent to most of the Liverpool support groups and pages). This was Villa’s first away fixture after it was announced that Stiliyan Petrov was diagnosed with acute leukemia. The Liverpool fans despite having their thoughts on their own JFT96 tribute that day, joined in the applause on the 19 minute mark.
This season Liverpool FC and their supporters took the incredible initiative to lead the proceedings in joining in the Petrov applause.
From all at MOMS, we’d like to thank all at the Liverpool Supporter’s Union, Empire of the Kop and Liverpool FC for their gesture, which was beyond the call of duty. YNWA.
(PS – Thanks for the three points as well! UTV)
Original Post – Apr 7th 2012
In short – Today, at Anfield, Aston Villa fans would be honoured if Liverpool fans would join us in a 19th minute tribute to our captain.
But please read on:
It’s a great shame Stiliyan ‘Stan’ Petrov won’t be shaking hands with Steven Gerrard in the centre-circle at Anfield today.
Stan is truly one of the decent gents of the game and was one of the last players who’d deserve the tragic news of being diagnosed with acute leukemia last week.
The other night, I was discussing the Villa vs Liverpool game with a big Liverpool fan friend of mine and talk turned to Petrov.
My friend told me he’d heard once on BBC Radio Five, veteran commentator Pat Murphy and ex-player Pat Nevin confessing they would sometimes spend their down time in the media room at football games picking various footballing 11’s. The kind of game fans play down pubs, where you pick 11’s, such as: ‘Bearded players 11’, ‘Alice Bands 11’, ‘Italians that played in England 11′, Horrible Person 11’, ‘Genuine nice guys 11’…etc, etc
While the two Pats wouldn’t name and shame their ‘Horrible Person 11’ on air for obvious reasons, when it came to the ‘Genuinely Good Guys 11’, Pat Murphy (who has spent decades in the game meeting players) said, “Stiliyian Petrov would be the captain of the ‘Nice Guys 11’, every time”.

The reaction of Villa supporters, Celtic supporters (who gave him a YNWA tribute last week) and the outpouring of emotion from Stan’s native Bulgaria, was absolutely due to Stan being considered one of the good guys in the game.
As a result, My Old Man Said supporters group along with other Villa and Celtic fans launched the initiative to get Aston Villa and Celtic to play a charity tribute between the two teams for Stan, which we got widespread press coverage for this week.
Again, Aston Villa fans would be honoured if Liverpool fans would join us in a 19th minute tribute to our captain.
We wouldn’t neccesarily reach out to any club, but we regard Liverpool FC as one of the great bastions of tradition within the English league, and a club that has known tragedy in football, more than any other in recent years.
Last year, My Old Man Said actively encouraged followers to sign the online petition to get the government to release the files and re-open the investigation into the Hillsborough ’96.
In light of this, as a few Liverpool fans have requested, we would be happy to make today’s game a double-date for football fan power – Support Stan and Justice for the 96.
Many thanks for reading this.
Liverpool fans check out the award winning blog The Liver Bird: http://theliverbirdsblog.blogspot.co.uk/ LFCKirstyLFC
BTW – Thanks Liverpool fans for joining in last week at Anfield. Top class. Many thanks on behalf of the Villa fan MOMS members. #JFT96
Great way to show support and concern for Stan.
YNWA from a household that’s a 50-50 Liverpool and Villa split. All the best to him and to his family.
We’ll be clapping for Stan in our pub in Madrid. Doubt you’ll hear us like, but we’ll be clapping.
From a MADrid Red fortunate enough to be at Anfield, I joined in. A big thanks to the Villa fans who respected the minutes silence for the 96.
I’ll defo join in
Don’t worry about it lad, a lot of Liverpool fans are Celtic fans too, so once they realise what’s happening they’ll join in. He’s also previously stated he’s a fan of Liverpool so it’s safe to assume he’ll get a good reception.
Scouser here. Of course I’ll be joining in with your tribute to your captain and will encourage other Liverpool supporters at the match to do the same. I’m sure a large section of our fans will join you on this. All the best.