Thursday, March 20, 2025
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My Old Man Said interviews with football personalities

Dion Dublin Interview

Former Villan Dion Dublin Gives Verdict on Who’s John Terry’s Best Replacement

"If he keeps it simple he can be a horrible player to play against which is exactly how it should be." - Dublin on...
emile heskey on aston villa

Emile Heskey Looks Back At His Second City Derby Experiences

"Villa are the bigger club, there is no ifs or buts about it" - Emile Heskey Emile Heskey, speaking exclusively to 888sport (syndicated to MOMS) about...
emile heskey on aston villa

Interview: Emile Heskey Discusses Aston Villa in the Championship

Emile Heskey Interview on Aston Villa Former Villa player Emile Heskey, speaking exclusively to 888sport (syndicated to My Old Man Said) recently gave his views...
Dwight York interview

DWIGHT YORKE INTERVIEW: Dwight Says Villa Have Wrong Mentality

Ex-Villan Dwight Yorke in recent seasons has made some dubious claims about wanting to be the next Villa boss. While it’s hard to take...
Tim Sherwood Interview Aston Villa

TIM SHERWOOD INTERVIEW: Tim Discusses John Terry, Andre Green & Jack Grealish

Despite his ultimate short-comings as a Villa manager, Tim Sherwood gave most Aston Villa fans their favourite memories in the last seven miserable seasons...
steve round aston villa

Villa’s Technical Director Steve Round Seeks to Forge True Team Identity

A Villa Way Sitting opposite MOMS at a Fans Consultation Group meeting at the end of last year, Aston Villa Technical Director Steve Round discussed...