With Aston Villa players in self-isolation like the rest of the world, the Corona virus has already changed society in an unprecedented way. But what will its impact be on Villa and the football world at large, going forward?
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The My Old Man Said podcast looks at the implications of the virus shutdown on Villa’s season, as the Premier League tries to find a way to close the 2019/20 season out satisfactorily.
While football is very much secondary to life as we’re currently experiencing it, there’s still plenty to discuss.
Is it possible for the season to end with integrity? While the Premier League has suspended play until April 30th, is that date merely biding them some time to come up with a solution?
Have Villa actually benefited from this enforced break? What’s Dean Smith’s position now? What does he have to rethink?
These are just some of the issues that are discussed over an hour of insightful debate.
There’s plenty of chat, including even a cameo from actress Gwyneth Paltrow…
Enjoy the show.
Watch out for further MOMS Patron shows this week. Including to look back to the significance of Villa’s end of season 2-0 win over Liverpool in 1995 Become a MOMS Patron to access the shows.
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David Michael – @oldmansaid
Chris Budd – @BUDD_music
Phillip Shaw – @prsgame
Editor/Producer – David Michael
Outro music – Phil Marten ( OKPM’s Debut EP – OUT NOW! )
villa have just sent out a briefing on coronavirus and cards to help look after isolated people. Absolutely excellent, club need to be congratulated
passsed on to my local councillor who agreed a good move and will pass on to the council even though he is a man city supporters