Arsenal Supporter Statement Backing Banned Villa Supporter Flag
Perhaps the highlight of last week was the cross-club support by football fans for the Villa supporter-funded surfer flag that the FA needlessly banned...
Aston Villa Supporter Commercial Boycott and Demands to Improve Club
No one can question the pain and misery threshold of Aston Villa supporters. The last five seasons have been nothing short of soul-destroying....
Increasing Football Supporter Solidarity Has Postive Effect on Ticket Prices
Twenty's Plenty, but Thirty Will Do.
The news that all 20 Premier League clubs had a secret meeting last week and unanimously voted in favour of...
FAN Network – New Manifesto for Football in Time for the General Election
In the past year, the main political parties have cast their eye to the world of football with the view of forming policy for...
Aston Villa FA Cup Final Tickets Expected to Sell Out Wednesday
Aston Villa FA Cup Final Tickets Latest
With the FA Cup Final against Arsenal just over a fortnight away Aston Villa have stated today they...
Labour Seek to Give Football Supporters Say at Board Level
"Football clubs are part of people’s identity and sense of belonging. Our plan is to give fans a stake in their clubs."
After consultations with...